(+34) 947 483 700 


  • Integral Roc
    Mineral wool insulation panel for facades.

    Insulating sandwich panel for façades with mineral wool core and metal faces.
    Highly customisable panel, with two types of core density, diversal sheet thicknesses and profiling options, etc.
    Rigid mineral wool insulation core with high thermal performance (thermal transmittance of 0.26 W/m2K for the 150 mm thick LD core panel).
    Solución idónea para fachadas en el sector de la construcción, instalaciones industriales, sector agroalimentario.

  • correasSupport structure
    Range of TZ steel purlins with edges up to 350 mm and 3 mm thick..

    Icona remates complementosFinishing and complement elements
    Conventional, die-stamped or curved finishes and ventilation systems.

    Icona pan iluminacion naturalNatural lighting
    Various types of skylights and translucent plaques on the roof or façade.

    coloresColour chart
    A wide range of colours and coatings.

    • tz footerCONTACT

      Pol. Ind. Gamonal
      c/ Alcalde Martín Cobos, s/n
      E-09007 Burgos (España)
      Tel: (+34) 947 483 700
      Fax: (+34) 947 483 803
      This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.